Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oh what an adventure

I have now officially been a graduate student at Dartmouth Medical/Graduate School for about 2 1/2 months.  I have already reached a point where I feel like I've been here my entire life and can't quite remember what I did before moving to New Hampshire. A very long journey lies ahead (I would say at least 5 years), and occasionally that insane amount of time gets the best of me and I get overwhelmed and homesick.  Sometimes I look back at my decision to come here and almost wish I could reconsider.  But then I pause, open my eyes and realize I made the best choice for myself.  I have chosen one of the most beautiful places to spend the next however many years.  There have been many instances where I have found myself looking at the scenery and am blown away.  I have to remind myself that I live here.  Oh how lucky I really am to be a part of this glorious adventure!

I have the next 5 years to explore and as it currently stands, that honestly won't be enough time.  When I am homesick and somewhat lonely, I consider what life would be like at home.  Although it would be wonderful, it wouldn't nearly compare with the exciting journey I have found myself on here.  In the end, I will walk away with experiences I would never have had, life lessons, great friends, and a journey of a lifetime.

This sketch represents my journey, and I am finally ready to take that leap.  It may not be easy, but I am determined to find a place for myself and accomplish everything I have set out to do.

Here is a picture I took while hiking one of the trails at Mount Moosilauke - Just one of many gorgeous places I have already been:


  1. I absolutely love this, and I love the declaration of owning this journey and exploring it to the fullest! The sketch is beautiful in its talent and equally in the proclamation it stands for. I can't wait for the inspiration you will give in what you discover in the winter months! There I could use a bit of help :p
